Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Gletser

Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Gletser. 

Descriptive Text adalah jenis teks bahasa inggris yang bertujuan memberikan deskripsi atau penggambaran tentang suatu objek secara detail. Sebagai contoh akan dibagikan Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Glacier. Example Deskripsi Text About Gletser

Glacier or glesyer is a large chunk of ice that forms above the surface of the ground which is the accumulation of petrified snow deposits during the geological period. Today, eternal ice covers about 10% of the land on earth.

Glaciers are the largest source of fresh water on Earth. Glaciers can also be formed from freezing water due to winter, then when the temperature rises the glacier will melt and become a source of fresh water for living things. Because glacier mass is affected by long-term changes in climate, for example, rainfall , average temperature, and clouds, changes in glacier mass are considered to be one of the most sensitive indicators of climate change and are a major source of sea level variations.

Although many people think glaciers are always in the polar regions, in fact they can also be in high mountain areas across continents, except Australia, even in high mountains near the equator.

Large chunks of glaciers are blue due to the large quantity of water that accumulates in glaciers. Because, water molecules are very good at absorbing various colors except blue. Another reason, because the content of air bubbles on the glacier is less.

Contoh Descriptive Text tentang gletser. Gletser Descriptive Text. Berbagi contoh descriptive text bahasa inggris. Struktur Descriptive Text. 

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